Thermomix sales conference | Athens

Wonderful hours in the sun, perfect Mediterranean climate and plenty of warm hospitality – approx. 80 participants enjoyed all of that at the first Thermomix sales conference in Athens. Here, the company’s employees experienced an exciting and above all unique programme.

Upon arrival in the Greek metropolis, the guests were taken to the spectacular coastal town Vouliagmeni, where a delicious Greek lunch by the sea awaited them. Afterwards, they could move into what would be their home for the next 4 days – the Hotel Divani Apollon Palace & Thalasso. The 5-star hotel is located directly by the sea and invited them to relax at its own private beach or else at the salt- and sweet-water pools in the outside pool area. The first evening was characterised by the features of traditional Greece: the participants learnt to make olive oil, grilled Souvlaki spits, eat Greek Meze, broke plaster plates and danced the Sirtaki.

On the following day, the guests were taken on a tour from the coast to the heart of the Greek old town – the Plaka. On the way, a stop at the impressive acropolis was a must, of course. From there, the participants had a spectacular view of the beautiful old town, in which they stopped for a bite to eat in an old fish tavern. They relaxed, enjoyed the sunshine and strolled through the small alleys with their nooks and crannies. Away from the city’s hustle and bustle, the guests enjoyed the evening’s quiet atmosphere by the sea. They admired the spectacular sunset at the gala dinner directly by the sea and sat together for several hours in the mild weather.

The third day was marked by Thermomix: a cooking challenge was today’s programme! Here, it became crystal clear that cooking was THE passion of the Thermomix group. Upon arrival at a little farm, the guests were taken on a tour of the fields, learnt interesting facts about herbs and were able to watch baby goats and hens. Afterwards it was ready, steady, GO! Within one hour, teams had to cook a typical Greek dish from the same ingredients, give it a name and present it as best as possible with a sophisticated marketing concept. There were no limits to the participants’ creativity, and genuine Greek cooks served as jokers. After the time was over, the filled tomatoes and peppers were put in the oven and the guests took place at the table, which was laid in abundance. Afterwards, every team presented its dish – one group even in song! You could really notice how passionate people were about the achieved result. And the evening went on passionately, as the motto was “Mamma Mia – the colourful 1980s”. The final evening took place in an old, Greek estate in the midst of olive groves. The guests were presented with a variety of colourful accessories and a mixture of songs from the film Mamma Mia and the 1980s. The evening and the trip were complemented by the solo performance of Sarah Kaspar, who managed to lure the last guest onto the dancing floor with her song “Girls just want to have fun“. But even such an adventurous journey has to come to an end, so that on Day 4 people set off on their way home – taking with them a bit of sunshine and lovely memories!

We would like to say thank you for this exceptionally good cooperation and the amazing time.